Change in 2013: Branding pillars in a changing business environment

by | Apr 11, 2019

Every business, both big and small, and every profession, from legal careers to plumbing services, is being challenged by the rapid changes they are facing.

Take the Communications industry as an example. Graphic designers became web developers, HTML coders became marketers, writers became bloggers, bloggers became media channels, and printers became communication companies. Everyone and everything is changing.

Your industry and your business are both simultaneously shifting—whether you realize it or not. The way you generate leads and the way clients find you has evolved, your competitors are diversifying, and the way revenues are created is being redefined.

Your business’ future depends on how you adapt to technology, how you plan your future and your willingness to embrace a culture of change. However, before you change, consider your business’ foundation.

  1. Strengths vs. Weaknesses – Realities of your current situation
  2. Consumers’ wants and needs – Who do you serve?
  3. Opportunities and Threats — Market trends and market changes
  4. Business Model – How we deliver on our mission

Tomorrow’s winners are planning ahead and creating strategies for change. They will constantly work on bringing clarity to their core competencies and passions. They’re keeping an eye on technology and consumer trends as well.

Download our e-Book: Growing Your Business During the Next Five Years.  

Daisho Creative Strategies helps image-driven businesses create beautiful, bold brands through an immersive process and big-brand experience. Contact us if you would like help on presenting your brand in a unique, memorable way. Daisho is headquartered in Miami, Florida and focuses its work on branding, website design, and website management.