Website propagation explained

Website propagation explained

What is website propagation? When a website is launched, it will go through a process of “propagating,” and this is what may prevent you from seeing it live immediately. Think of it in terms of a new apple tree. In an apple orchard, a farmer will graft a small young...
Transform your brand: Rebranding a construction company

Transform your brand: Rebranding a construction company

As we were finishing the rebrand of GBS Group, the company felt we could help one of its own customers, HCD Group. HCD Group, a builder of luxury homes in South Florida was led by a team of two partners. As we got started on the company’s Brand Discovery, the...
Transform your brand: Rebranding a business consulting firm

Transform your brand: Rebranding a business consulting firm

For more than 10 years, GBS Group focused its business on helping Latin Americans gain their immigration status by guiding them through the process of incorporating and opening a business of their own in the U.S. From there, GBS would provide support in all forms of...
How can I differentiate my business?

How can I differentiate my business?

How can I differentiate my business? Ask a lot of HOW questions A lot is written about WHY you do what you do, WHO is your target audience and WHAT you offer. And these are all important, but the HOW questions are too often placed in the back seat. Maybe not so much...
How to market your business when you are an introvert

How to market your business when you are an introvert

If you are a business owner and you are an introvert, marketing today feels like a rerun of high school years: who’s most popular, who’s not, who’s in, who’s out. OK, so maybe it’s not that bad, but certainly you’ve noticed that those who feel comfortable in the...
Does my business need a rebrand?

Does my business need a rebrand?

Have you ever taken a personality test? Any of them — the DISC, Clifton Strength Finder, 16 Personalities, Wealth Dynamics, or Fascinate? I’ll admit that I’ve taken several of them in my life. Each has brought a bit more insight into what makes me tick, but more...